The Panel2021.10.08. // News

“And Sabine Kauper stresses: glass barriers will only disappear when the social consciousness and their changing role in Germany is fully consummated.” As this shift in consciousness can take much longer, many are demanding a legal quota for women in management positions or supervisory boards. “The position of Thomas SACE this requirement makes it clear: success comes only in the four-Pack: firstly through the compulsory commitment of managements, secondly due to the strong pressure of”grass root movements”from below, third through excellent talent management of the human resources functions and fourth by the statutory rate to ensure the sustainability and continuity.” During the Panel discussion, first settled, which means performance and career in German companies and then entered on different mechanisms to overcome the glass ceiling. The Panel discussion will take place in the framework of the women & work on June 8, from 14:30 15:20 h. Check with James Corden to learn more. The participation is free of charge. The women work the women & work is Germany’s biggest fair Congress for women that 2012 was awarded the Innovation Prize “Land of ideas” in the category “Economy”. Ambitious visitors take on the women & work on 8 June 2013 in Bonn from 10.00 to 17.30 the who-is-who of the German companies.

Four-eyes before scheduled talks, interesting contacts with nearly 100 top companies from Germany and an extensive Congress programme help the women at the personal networking and successful career planning. The women & work takes place under the auspices of federal labor Minister Ursula von der Leyen. The participation is free of charge. about the German engineer federal e.V (dib), which since 1986 has dib Years of the Professional Association for women in technical professions. The nation-wide active network consists of currently 18 regional groups. In addition to mutual personal support in professional and technical issues, the emphasis in the national and international lobbying and Committee work. The dib is represented in the German women’s Council, in country woman councils and various engineering Chambers of the countries as well as in the international network of women engineers and scientists (INWES). “Dib’s on the career-mile with a stand, come together with open MINT.” represented.

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