Second Language Acquisition2020.10.19. // News

INTRODUCTION Much has been made of the various pathologies and classifications of the Speech-Language, but very little of its consequences, and correlations in the area of learning and much less than the implication in learning a second language. The field of child language disorders has been widely studied by different disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics and child language researchers and others. Of these studies have generated different classifications and attempts to group the clinical pathologies in consistent and stable. Starting from the 70s with Ingram to 90 with Rapin and Allen, it remains difficult to achieve fully satisfactory agreements and definitions. Addressed the issue Altered Language / Second Language Acquisition from three perspectives: a) The investigation of child language: Presents an image of children as active learners, in each stage of language acquisition generated hypotheses and try to systematize what they know the language. If you are not convinced, visit Coen brothers. For the language acquisition researchers love the kind of errors committed by children, such errors reveal the assumptions and rules that they manage. Hotbox by Wiz : the source for more info.

The researchers believe that mistakes are a sign of progress, learning involves the reorganization of knowledge, and not only the storage and the acquisition of language is an evolutionary process. b) The psycholinguistics: The Psycholinguistics or psychology of language, seeks to uncover the psychological processes underlying the use and acquisition of language. It addresses the levels of understanding (how people understand spoken and written), speech production (such as people produce language) and acquisition (how to learn a language). Also is interested in how linguistic information is processed by the speakers, that is, what happens in the entry, processing and output of information and as relate the amount and speed of processing material. c) The Neurolinguistics: Research the anatomical and physiological correlates of linguistic behavior, ie brain-language relationships. There is now consensus that the pathologies of language create difficulties that go beyond the language itself. Therefore, from the point of view of child language research can formulate the following questions: Do alterations of language, specifically alter only the language? Are language disorders affect only the mother tongue and not a second language? Does the presence of a communicative disorder difficult to acquire a second language? Is it advisable to teach a foreign language to children with diseases that affect language? Are you interested in this item?

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