Brazil And China2020.03.22. // News

' CHINA AND THE OIL OF THE BRASIL' ' Strategically China is investing in the purchase of oil of Colombia, Russia, Brazil, in 2009 the agreements exceeds the US$ 40 billion. They are exploring world-wide the market energy, absorbing knowledge and technology. But inside of the energy strategy, in Africa she has a great concentration of Chinese investments. The PetroChina Company Limited goes to increase investments in oil and gas, according to president of the company, Mr. Jiang Jiemin, although the occured losses during the international crisis, for the concentration of its activities in the production and exploration of oil and gas. The Chinese market needs to expand its productive capacity at the same time where it searchs suppliers alternative. . China imports 52% of the oil that consumes.

To keep the growth of the GIP, it needs new sources of supplying. In the search of these suppliers a relation of interests between the Petrobra’s and the Bank of Development of China, the state Brazilian is established it needs resources to explore the daily pay-salt and China wants a portion of the Brazilian productivity to supply its domestic market, with this starts to appear agreements of guarantee of exportation of oil for the Chinese. Petrobra’s will go to benefit itself with the new credit facilities, but the Chinese want more and promise to participate of the new auctions of concession for exploration of oil in Brazil, beyond the possibility of equipment sales, but for this they need to follow the rules of the Brazilian public licitations. China today is 2 bigger consumer of oil of the planet and needs partners compromised to the supply to support the pujana of its economy. The Chinese economy foresees growth of demand for products of oil in the 4% order 5% to the year up to 2015, according to information of Mr.

Fuqin Zhang, it is the associate engineer-head of the Institute of Planning and Engineering of Oil of China, the calculation is based on a projection of annual growth of the Chinese GIP of order of 7,5% to the year. They foresee that up to 2020 the dependence either of 60% of the consumed oil of that country either importation fruit. This is an only chance to establish and to increase the diplomatical relations, economic politics and in bilateral agreements of development where it will benefit to Brazil and China, beyond proper Petrobra’s. Having advance in the strategical negotiations, the country will increase the focus of interests of international investors. Welinton Dos Santos is Delegated economist Municipal of the CORECON-SP in Caapava International Specialist of Cities Affiliated of the Chamber talo-Brazilian of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

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