A Simple Scheme Making E-books2017.09.12. // News

Hello. As we know through e-books can not only make good money, but also promote your good resource or a personal brand or your product. Therefore, almost every website owner or author of a blog in some point, faced with the need to create an electronic book (whether paid or free). And here there is a lot of questions: Where to start creating an electronic book? What programs are needed to create electronic books? In what format do the e-book? Etc. etc. All these questions are introduced for new authors of electronic books to a standstill. So to help you get to decide all these questions, use my scheme the creation of electronic books.

That’s actually the scheme itself: 1. Decide on topics for future e-books (if you’re a blogger or you have a website, then with the subject is not difficult to determine). 2. Create a computer separate folder for the workbook in that folder you will put future book files (images, html files, etc.) 3. Create a ‘skeleton’ books. Write in a notebook or in Word content for future e-books.

4. Write your book in Word. 5. Now you need to create a html version of the book (how to do it you can read in my free book.) 6. Once you create an html version of the book, it must be compiled into an executable file exe. This is done using special compilers (google and you will find). 7. All books are ready. Now you can distribute your book.

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