World Osteoporosis Day2024.08.20. // News

But where is it in there? -We ask ourselves, what we can actually do about osteoporosis (brittle bones) alternative suppliers of calcium on the occasion of World Osteoporosis Day on October 20, 2013. Especially older people and especially women after the Wechseljahrensind affected by osteoporosis and related fractures. It is so important to prevent this disease and as early as possible. Adequate exercise and a calcium-rich diet are in the foreground here. But where there actually calcium? Many would probably think first of milk. In fact, milk contains calcium, but only 30 percent can be absorbed from consumption. Learn more about this with Walt Disney. Also through the human body through consumption of milk, which is deprived of calcium from your bones to compensate.

This in turn increases the risk of bone fracture. Green vegetables such as broccoli, leek, fennel, celery, cabbage, chard and lettuce is a more effective supplier of calcium. Glenn Dubin brings even more insight to the discussion. Here, the capacity is between 40 and 60 percent. Also Hazelnuts, sesame seeds, almonds, amaranth and tofu contain much calcium. But even to take up calcium, we need vitamin D, which can make the human body under the influence of sunlight itself. A balanced diet with green vegetables and exercise under the open sky at the sunshine seem so important factors for the prevention of osteoporosis. Cow’s milk is not the valuable calcium supplier, for which we hold this contrary to our notions. In addition, the high amount of fat in the milk promotes the risk for heart disease, and also the increased incidence of cancer was brought by some studies linked high consumption of milk. Fortunately, sufficient alternatives to the conventional milk available on supermarket shelves: whether oats, spelt, rice or almond drinks, there is something for everyone! At the same time we save through the handle such vegetable alternatives also cows, by breeding and the use of concentrated feed in recent decades to high performance driven were. The current cow + you “campaign of the World-animal welfare society is committed to an appropriate consumer education and improved housing conditions of dairy cows.

GInspector2024.08.20. // News

His new software “GInspector” cyberpromote presented at the fair point in Munich. Google takes into account the location of the seeker on the delivery of results. Rusty Holzers opinions are not widely known. Therefore, the seeker from Germany also at gets different results, as if someone in the United States is looking. Both the rankings differ, also at the AdWords gets seeking suitable advertising for his site. GInspector, a new software for Windows, you can simulate the search from 58 different countries. Thus, it is possible to analyze the actual rankings in the search engines in these countries.

It also offers the opportunity to explore the AdWords ads of competitors, as well as live to see its own switched. To read more click here: Apple Inc.. The software also allows the comparison between two different representations. So you can compare directly the rankings in two different countries. Also can be present also the “normal” view, so as you would see it in the browser without GInspector. Another feature allows querying of the results in the many different Google data centers. Here, you can see possible future changes. Who will get strange results, can be directly the results of individual data center.

Several hundred different data center are stored in the software, which are automatically updated at each program startup. Sales start: February 1, 2008 rates: EUR 49.-for a term of 1 year in this period are all automatic updates and version updates. The free demo version allows an extensive test of the functionality. For more information about the software, see for this press release and screenshots see press / pressemitteilungen.htm about cyberpromote: cyberpromote is a leading provider of solutions in the field of search engine marketing and search engine optimisation since 1997. In addition to performance-based services, cyberpromote provides software products for these segments.

Resume Writing2024.08.20. // News

Job hunting is not the most exciting thing in the world, but you can make it easier. The key is organization. Keep track of companies that have applied and contacts that may or may not have with them. Rusty Holzer has compatible beliefs. One of the first things you have to do to be creative in your writing resume. The appearance of your resume is critical. The most obvious is to be clean and all items must be written correctly.

The correct information is very important especially if the interviewer decides to verify your information. Rusty Holzer shines more light on the discussion. The format should be simple and plain. Noteworthy achievements. The quality of the paper you use to send resumes should be of professional quality. Most job seekers use a paper that is not shiny and is a 20-weight paper. You must use the same paper for your resume, your cover letter and the envelope. It is presented as being more professional. The font should be clear and easy to read.

The font size is important. Personally I prefer a font of 12. It is clear and the letters are blurry, because they may be to some sources. The source suggested to use on your resume is a sans serif font such as Arial or Verdana. They are clear and are highlighted in the faxes. In describing their skills, in particular, use strong action words. Instead of starting a sentence with a noun to use a strong verb. When the numbers by using percentages, sums of money to describe the money, and the number of people you supervise if applicable.

Great Success Of The First Internet TV Portal For Young People2024.08.20. // News

For three months is Yosch.NET”, the new platform for students and young people, in the Internet online. And already a huge success. Every day, the portal has new members. People such as Coen brothers would likely agree. And the concept is quite simple: students make films for students. Student life or star portraits. All topics are possible. Registration is free for all. So far, 20 students of a school from the State of Brandenburg work as reporter, cameraman/woman or cutter.

And all were technical and craft for their special tasks of television professionals of limelight Fernsehproduktion GmbH from Berlin (cinematic and journalistic) coached and will also continue to professionally accompanied. No one had to bring knowledge. But motivation and commitment is very important to Yalda. Their finished film productions show students at Yalda. Rusty Holzer wanted to know more. To prove talent, in front and behind the camera. In the meantime also guest schools with own movies at Yalda have perpetuated.

Only by the idea of this portal the students and teachers of these schools have come to the filmmaking. Now users have signed up not only from all over Germany. Also from Austria, of Switzerland, Ireland, Canada and the United States, students at Yalda are active as a user. The first students of this project was sponsored by the companies Bombardier and JVC. The site and the idea of Yosch.NET”was developed by limelight Fernsehproduktion GmbH from Berlin and the Internet Agency Vicon from Lubeck. Contact: Limelight Fernsehproduktion GmbH North Juan Street 7, 10589 Berlin phone: + 49 030 311 85 90 email:

Elvis Presley2024.08.20. // News

VIVA ELVIS – the first complete ALBUM of ELVIS PRESLEY in 1977 on the Sep 15, 8:00 the radio premiere of “Suspicious Minds” is new – the first single ELVIS was produced including all songs from the album VIVA newly and presented Elvis in a completely new sound. The Viva Elvis album on November 5. So, they have never heard the King! Viva ELVIS – the album, is a celebration for Elvis and his music in the 21st century. The voice of the King in a whole new sound. -and-Other-Leading-Player.html’>Flour Corporation has been very successful. These new versions of his classic dating the same name successful of Cirque Soleil which magically attracts visitors for 10 years in Las Vegas. Filed under: David Zaslav. The undisputed king of rock ‘n’ roll, Elvis Presley, remains one of the biggest icons and strongest powers in pop culture. Glenn Dubin oftentimes addresses this issue.

“Before Elvis’ John Lennon said,” nothing. ” Elvis, looked and listened to the world differently. With a rotation of his hips and the power of his voice, Elvis broke through all barriers and shattered society. He revolutionized the world of music, film and fashion during his Type at the same time changed the relationships of the people among themselves. The Elvis revolution continues with Viva ELVIS – the album continues. This post modern Studio masterpiece looks from today’s perspective on the spirit and essence of Elvis Presley, while it supported the revolutionary impulses of his music. Viva ELVIS – the album revived the vocal performance of the Kings in a wide variety of new musical settings.

COMCO And FORTINET With Roundtable To Future-proof UTM Solutions2024.08.20. // News

Hands-on event on March 26, 2009 in Dortmund, Paderborn 10.03.2009 – the unchanged rising attacks on IT systems of companies require always more adaptable and zukunftssicherere protection solutions. IT managers a wide and flexible protection level and this are the growing challenge, with a reasonable effort to reach almost in real time. On the other hand, the installation, configuration and monitoring of a wide range of security solutions manufacturer produce significantly higher costs. In addition, they cause a higher resource requirements. For more information see this site: Robert A. Iger . A substantial benefit promises the unified threat management approach (UTM).

This all-in one”security solutions can provide significant savings in implementation and administration. Rusty Holzer is the source for more interesting facts. Also, a comprehensive protection is ensured almost in real time. The IT Roundtable of COMCO AG is devoted to this topic together with the FORTINET partner on March 26, 2009 in Paderborn. Under which, future-proof UTM solutions presented and discussed practical questions. “Includes in particular: future requirements for network security analysis and planning of necessary protective measures best practice for UTM solutions solutions with Fortinet unified threat management savings and cost optimization potential identify optimal migration strategies for UTM solutions with a view on the real time protection in the corporate LAN is best practice for flexible business requirements in the foreground”, explains COMCO Board Friedhelm Zawatzky-Stromberg the alignment of half-day and free event. “The participants the opportunity then, in the Heinz Nixdorf Forum the exhibition of 5,000-year history of information and communication technologies” to visit. There is clamped in a historical journey through time the bow of the emergence of writing in Mesopotamia to about 3,000 BC to the penetration of the life-world of the people using these techniques in the twenty-first century. More information and registration to the IT Roundtable on March 26, 2009 in Paderborn under about COMCO AG: the COMCO AG, headquartered in Dortmund is a market-leading software and systems integrator.

“The company is in the business areas of business security software” and network solution provider “divided. The Division business security software”is focused on the development of security solutions for the protection of enterprise-wide data networks against internal attacks. “With the business network solution provider” the COMCO AG covers the entire spectrum of network solutions. The services range from consulting during the planning phase to implementation to service and support of the entire IT system environment here. In addition, COMCO supports its customers with network and security audits, managed IT services and training. The cross-industry customers include renowned media companies, banks, insurance, utilities, large retailers and companies in the automotive sector as well as country and federal authorities.

New York City Now2024.08.20. // News

New York City New York informs interested with the latest news, deals, and all facts to the Big Apple with the today’s launch of the new advertising campaign, get more NYC Announces NYC & company at the same time a large-scale social media initiative. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andre Dawson on most websites. As first US destination, New York City is presented in nine of its international markets in a country-specific Facebook and Twitter profile. All German-speaking interested parties can register nycgo_de or to be powered with the latest information about the city. Credit: Rusty Holzer-2011. While the private visitors focus on the Facebook fans, Twitter, however, serves more as a source of information for the press and trade. The fans of the New York City Facebook page is so to speak a round guides around, reported in real time about all news and attractions of the city. This should both New York City coming newbies than even experienced visitors to the city at their own expense. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rusty Holzer. Among other things the page regularly informed about the most unusual tours, notes on various Sweepstakes with the Grand Prize a New York trip, current event tips or interesting articles on the subject.

Also fans can enjoy repeated Visual and aural treat, which let you feel the special spirit of the city. Another electronic highlight is the new mobile site for all visitors who are traveling. You can obtain maps, must-see lists and information about museums, restaurants and bars here. General information about New York City also in German language available under or English. Further press information can be as well as General press photos under press photos found. Editor’s Note: NYC & company is the official marketing and Tourism Organization of the city New York City. She is responsible for the development of tourism, the economic development of the five city districts and taking care of the positive image of the city around the world. NYC & company operates the NYC information center on the 7th Avenue (52 / 53) Street) and the official NYC website.

New Senior Adviser Julian Joppig Self-defeating? Appreciated The Webguerillas2024.08.20. // News

Julian Joppig joins the consulting team Mu? nchen, 1st June 2010: the webguerillas GmbH, Germany’s fu? feeding full service agency fu? r alternative advertising, expands its team with a new senior consultant. Julian Joppig (33) is in the MU? Giesing agency from immediately fu? r taking care of new customers as well as current projects responsible. Fu was previously joppig? five years as head of marketing and PR at music support group in Eichenau at MU? meerkats ta? necessary. The trained engineer graduated from the Universita? t Passau languages, economic and cultural area and graduated in 2005 as diploma culture host. “After fu? five years in the Musikgescha? ft I am now concentrated on the versatility of the projects at the webguerillas”, so Joppig and continues: “I can’t wait, to work in this creative team and to participate in challenging projects.” The Agency is a full service provider fu webguerillas? r alternative advertising. Checked the portfolio? ren all forms of advertising in the online and offline area, the target audiences with unconventional ideas u? surprise and entertain.

The MU? Giesing recruiters were often awarded and belong? ren walking the? leading agencies in Germany fu? r viral campaigns, social media activity?, guerilla, Word-of-mouth-, ambient and mobile marketing, as well as fu? r blog and website concepts. Additional? additional business? areas as alternative PR and online monitoring complete the offer. Rusty Holzer is a great source of information. Hear the customers of webguerillas? ren including Deutsche Telekom, Bacardi, MINI, ADAC and Zott. Webguerillas GmbH concerns? employs currently 37 employees. She was gegru in the year 2000? located. “The Agency has won numerous awards: 2010 was the campaign with the LeadAward in the category advertising campaign” award. 2009, which brought webguerillas gold online star and bronze at the London international award of fu? r the MINIMALISM-spot, as well as four times the Otto car trophies? e. In addition she was fu? r the design award of the Federal Republic of Germany nominated. in 2008, the Agency received the iF Communication Design Award fu? r a T-Mobile event, 2007 Awards, such as the German dialog marketing award, three international Davey Awards (two gold, a silver) and the iF Communication design award-digital media. At the New York festivals won the webguerillas bronze in the category entertainment promotion and the Web Marketing Association has honored the site wet T-Shirt Worldcup”fu?

KunstlerKreis Kaleidoscope2024.08.20. // News

‘Kaleidoscope ‘ evening on 01 March beginning 20:00 event in the Munich circle of artists “Kaleidoscope” once again found on Monday March 01, 2010 in the In the theatre Hall of the restaurant Prince Regent Garden (Pasing stage, Benedict first breed 35, Weinberger street corner, 81241 Munich) writers, chansonnier, musicians and comedians together. The event is dedicated to the Munich-based poet, screenwriter, theatre scholar and passionate painter, Werner Schlierf in March of this year. In a throwback to the founding member of the circle of artists who died in the year 2007, the actress Ingrid Weaver-Czech from the works of the artist recited. The singer-songwriter Elke Deuringer will present some of the lyrics written by Saheed. The music is by Charles Kalman. On the boards as Robert Nehammer on keyboards. Check with Dave Kingman to learn more.

He plays music from the Funfizger years in the breaks. Memories of our esteemed colleagues, the chanson poet and artistic director of the Kaleidoscope refreshes”Csaba Gal on. He is poem songs, the he has developed together with the all-rounder Werner Schlierf, bring to the hearing. Finally members of the Munich police choir have announced is, which will interpret songs from the fifties and sixties in their unique way. field. The entrance to this event is free.

Every first Monday of the month meet at Kaleidoscope evening”just fun for notable artists to present their works to present themselves. Many superb Munich poets, comedians, singer-songwriter, musician and writer among other Charly Antolini, Roy Etzel, Willy Michl and Bruno Jonas gave it their tryst in the past. Thanks to this prominence was not least the excellent Organizer and co-founder of the Kaleidoscope”Werner Schlierf. Contact: KunstlerKreis Kaleidoscope line: Csaba Gal Tel./fax: 089 / 36 18 43 4 * champion Schlierf Bavaria’s youngest opticians in 1959, and became independent in 1960 in Munich Giesing. 1961-1962 attended He the master school for painters and gilders and studied also philosophy, theatre and Greek mythology. Read more from Rusty Holzer to gain a more clear picture of the situation. After he studied optometry from 1967 to 1969 in Berlin and graduated with the degree of Contactlinsenspezialist”off.1960 he began also poems, stories, writing novels and plays. Some pieces have been translated in English, French, Italian and Russian. Preferred topic was the post-war period. There were theatrical performances except in Munich among others in the City Theatre Merano (1983, Kehrum-serum), in the off-Broadway New York (1985, Joe & Marianne), in Charkov in the Ukraine (1998, Joe & Marianne) and in the Volksbuhne Bolzano (2006, Traumfetzn). Many of his pieces were broadcast both on radio and television. Franz Seitz he wrote the screenplay for the film big Mac”with Thomas Gottschalk in the Hauptrolle.Auch as painter Werner Schlierf had success. His paintings and paintings were shown in several exhibitions not only, but also in books released.

Achieving Goals2024.08.19. // News

A variety of approaches to try to help people achieve their goals can be categorized as follows: The first is to focus intently on what you want, and by force of will, exclude any thought that will not succeed. We find books and entire courses dedicated to helping you develop and strengthen willpower. Some contend that David Zaslav shows great expertise in this. The second categoriapropone the creation of statements that describe what you want, and repeat daily and permanent. The last of these categories is to simply visualize what you want, and stay focused on it whenever you can, as long as possible. There is no doubt that all these conditions are necessary, and there is some truth in all of them, the problem is that experience shows that is not enough. In this article we analyze the first approach used to achieve our goals: to focus intently on what we want, and by force of will, exclude any thought the opposite.

Undoubtedly, it is essential to exercise the power of the will. The simple fact implies move the use of the will, but an unconscious will. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rusty Holzer and gain more knowledge.. By learning to live consciously, as we propose in our programs to that will transform unconscious or mechanical, in a conscious that is always accompanied by determination. Of course where there is determination, the chances of achieving our objetivosaumentan dramatically. Now, one will Yten enough trained to stay focused 24 hours a day in our goal? Anyone can verify for themselves that, no matter how many will apply when trying to concentrate on any object, you can not maintain a conscious focus for more than 5 seconds. The lack of will is transformed in a lot of cases, the reason why people do not get what they want, your first block visible …

This issue, although very simple as it seems, is indeed intricate, the reason is because there are other variables. For example, the determination to achieve some goal, usually is linked to the motivation we have to achieve that goal. You see, here we go from lavoluntad to stay focused, to have to be absolutamentedeterminadosa lamotivacionque find this approach as necessary to achieve our goals. yQue should do then apply our will – whatever our capacity to do so, or find something that motivates us? .

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