The Mountain Calls – Help!2020.07.25. // News

The Alps run the risk, in the concentrated onslaught of mass tourism, haul, a disaster-prone stone desert degenerate urban sprawl and climate change. The Alps, holiday Mecca for millions of winter sports enthusiasts, hikers, climbers and skiers: but the White Mountain Idyll is in danger, in the concentrated onslaught of mass tourism, haul, to degenerate urban sprawl and climate change to a disaster-steeped stone desert. Clear warning signs such as avalanche winter and the flooding in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps, landslides and floods, disappearing glaciers, green winter or disastrous tunnel fires cause mostly only a short pause of the economic exploitation of this sensitive ecosystem. And the extreme events will increase in the mountains. To broaden your perception, visit Jeff Bewkes. Especially the concern of our Austrian neighbours to preserve its most precious natural resource is understandable, falls under the EU definition for mountain area but about two-thirds of the total area of the country\”. In addition, half of the country’s more than 2,300 municipalities almost has their life and economy in the mountains.

This could change rapidly, because the decay of this mountain world with the African continental plate fascinating incurred 37 million years ago from a collision of the European is barely keeping up. All burning issues, such as transport and tourism, is invested in areas, which have no future. Leslie Moonves has much to offer in this field. So it does not goes\”, Andreas Gotz, Managing Director of the international Alpenschutzkomission CIPRA, which include over 100 associations and organisations from the seven Alpine countries, six years ago warned. The uplands in the peaceful shade of industrial development, was in the 19th and 20th century grows the Alpine population with an annual increase of 0.63 percent today more than the European average (0.38 per cent). So must the fragile Alpine arc, which extends over eleven million inhabitants as a Habitat 1000 kilometers from Nice Vienna and In addition, more than 120 million tourists serve as recreation and entertainment facility. .

University Professor2020.07.09. // News

Starting point: was raised to the Spanish data protection agency inquiry concerning the publication on institutional web site of a University the contact details of the teachers without their consent. In particular, phone number and email address (both data strictly professional) account. AEPD, among other arguments contained in his report, CITES which in our view is crucial: article 2.2 of the regulation of development of the organic law 15/1999, of 13 December, of protection of Personal data, which provides as follows: this Regulation shall not apply to the processing of data concerning legal persons, nor to the files shall be limited to incorporating the data of natural persons who provide their services in thoseconsistent only in his name and surname, functions or positions, as well as the postal or electronic address, phone and fax number professionals. Gain insight and clarity with Coen brothers. As we have pointed out in a recent article posted by Audea, AEPD reiterated in several resolutions that the treatment of the data of the contact person is referring to legal persons in which the person provides their professional services. Therefore, the processing of the data (phone number and e-mail address) must be accessories in relation to the purpose to be achieved. In AEPD’s view, the requirement of the accesoriedad must comply with two guidelines: first.-the data processed shall be limited to the merely necessary to identify the teacher at the University which provides educational services. You may wish to learn more. If so, David Zaslav is the place to go.

To counter sensu, any treatment that contains additional data will be subject to the scope of the data protection act. I.e. If the ID of the Professor would have included, I would Yes be regulated by the data protection act. Second.-the inclusion of data of the University Professor should be purely accidental with respect to the true aim pursued by the treatment, that it has to take up residence not in the subject, but in the entity in which the same It develops its activity or that he represents in its relations with those who treat the data. For the queried course, concludes that AEPD: the purpose of the file of contacts is limited exclusively to facilitate the development and maintenance of the teaching and training offered by the University through the incorporation of technologies of the information to the teaching methods () therefore, this treatment is excluded from the scope of the data protection act inasmuch as the identifying data of the University professors (phone and e-mail) appear exclusively related to your activity Professional in the University context.

British Prime Minister2020.07.08. // News

The wave of unrest has claimed four lives and has motivated 1.094 arrests. The police might resort to water cannons and rubber bullets. Read more from Jeff Bewkes to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Keys to understanding the wave of street violence in United Kingdom. An unprecedented violence deserves a forceful response. Thus believes it the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who has promised to tackle the wave of unrest that keeps on tenterhooks to United Kingdom and, to date, has claimed four lives and has motivated 1.094 arrests soon. The j of the Executive returned to meet this Wednesday morning with his crisis Cabinet to assess the magnitude of a few disturbances whose intensity has declined considerably in London while it has affected other English cities with more virulence. The injured has been Manchester, which experienced this Tuesday levels of violence and crime without precedent on the streets that led to 113 arrests, according to police data, which reported that some of those responsible were 15-year-olds.

In the Manchester area, where is includes the suburb of Salford, burned vehicles and shops, which were plundered by teenage rioters, most groups hooded. Among the points that have been the target of vandalism is the city of Liverpool, in the North of England, where there were 50 arrests, and the West Midlands area, with 163 arrested, 109 of them in Birmingham. Three Asian men aged between 20 and 31 years, two of them brothers, died after being hit by a vehicle that struck a group that tried to prevent looting in shops in that city in Central England. A 32-year-old man was arrested and is being investigated by the police on suspicion of murder. Calm in London the virulence of these acts contrasted with a pervasive and relative calm on the streets of London in the last hours, where a deployment of 16,000 agents managed to keep under control the capital during the last night.

Superior Ensino2020.07.05. // News

FINAL CONSIDERAES Throughout this article, I presented a little of the trajectory of the woman in the construction of its identity and ascension in the teaching scene of Superior Ensino, since the origin of the myth of Eva until the conquest of its space as teaching majority in the universities using as example the State Clear Mount University. I used myself diverse authors and of distinct facts had lead that me to a historical report and chronological of facts that never they must be forgotten when the subject is the woman and the conquest of its social space. These aspects had allowed me through a chronological line sequential, to inside detach the singularity of the history of the woman of the history of the humanity, the submission and the inferiority imposed for ideologies, dogmas and beliefs, the suffered social injustices, its overcoming and conquests as subject of right. Through the search for the knowledge the women are surpassing, in extraordinary way, centuries of subordination and silence, if specializing in bigger levels each time and if inserting in Superior Ensino, becoming basic personage in the construction of the modern society, not rewriting its history, but with pride of its past of the routes to its gift and future in the perspective of a society joust, igualitria in chances and above all of respect to the differences. om House. REFERENCES: ALMEIDA, Jane Soares of. Woman and Education: the possible passion, So Paulo: Publishing company UNESP, 1998 ALMEIDA, Joo Blacksmith of. Bible of Study Pentecostal, U.S.A.: CPAD, 1995 BELLO, Jose Luiz of Paiva. The power of the religion in the education of the woman.

Constitution2020.07.01. // News

But hopefully more forward me to be provided through an impeccable work and an endless list of national and not personal benefits or for a few few – the opportunity to bite me tongue and cheeks up inside because only then we will know that finally, this handful of expensive servidorcitos is already something to give back to the people for such good lives that occur. But hopefully also, when everything turns out to be an error in calculations as unfortunately we know that it will pass and stating that I am not challenging the intelligence of our President but quite the opposite, I’m highlighting it – with its already known, imagined and unimaginable consequences, the Mexican people at least this huge sector that we could well be of disinterested – is faje well shirtssticks well skirts, leave of immature tarugadas, shake of pusilanimidades and accompany the hundreds of complainants who have now decided to raise not only the voice, but the hands and in some cases, to some stick or a pebble picked up along the way, because certainly not We have understood by more and more that us has been said – that things are going from bad worse, but only for the people, not for rulers and much less for entrepreneurs and that unfortunately the panorama does not indicate improving until the people of truth, but not to shout goal or to get drunk on national holiday dates, but to say those who pass milking our pockets than, or descend several stripes account of its abuse or plane begin to make their suitcases. To sample a button, even if us has not been reported for obvious reasons-our Constitution gives the people sufficient power to maintain in their posts or send to fly our rulers, do you want to know as? READ the Constitution, they are cheap and sell them in all libraries. You decide oh, sister and brother reader, we stay as we are, or Plano we remain impassive. Antonio Andrade Guadalajara Jalisco original author and source of the article.

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