Particle2020.03.24. // News

As I said: measurement uncertainties are these unavoidable – we have only sensibly deal with them and minimize it technologically. Therefore, we see it as one of the greatest challenges to develop reliable standards. What approaches do you follow make manageable the theme of uncertainty? If we are dealing with measurement uncertainties, we must consider first the measuring methods. Their principle works for clean room particle counters always: air to be tested is drawn and the particle is measured optically. For this, they are irradiated with light. This scattered light allows us the inference on the number and the size of the particles. Measurement uncertainties are up to ten percent in the normal range. The topic above all this that the manufacturers have no requirements for the instruments regarding the wavelength to use, so light colour, is problematic.

They produce different scattering intensities and to different results. Learn more on the subject from Joel and Ethan Coen. For manufacturers take into account though, but it is still critical that the calibration of the customer’s equipment is usually by the manufacturer itself – so intrinsic a comparability of measurement results. Our approach is to reach neutral standards for better comparability. An example: For our internationally recognised certificates we use our own controlled test aerosols and particle counter as a primary standard. In an international comparison with other national metrology institutes, we confirm our measurement ability regularly. Thus, the exhibition results are transparent and comparable.

This traceability we create for the devices calibrated an international equivalence of measurement as it is required in the MRA. This ultimately benefits the quality assurance. Companies that become certified in this way by a recognized institution can benefit worldwide from their site. What are the biggest challenges in the clean room technology from your perspective? So far we have discussed especially inert particles, which we are already quite good by today’s standards. One of the major future challenges will be the measurement of living particles.

Senior Vice President2020.03.23. // News

OpenSynergy takes over products from SAP Sybase subsidiary iAnywhere Berlin, Germany, December 18, 2013. The OpenSynergy GmbH expands its product portfolio with the blue SDK (formerly iAnywhere product), the IrDA SDK (formerly iAnywhere product), and the device management SDK (formerly iAnywhere product). OpenSynergy, in November 2013, acquired these products from the SAP subsidiary of Sybase iAnywhere. The developer team at Sybase iAnywhere, working on these products, is change to OpenSynergy and continue the support, maintenance and further development of the software. Sybase iAnywhere is regarded as the market leader in the field of independent movements in the Bluetooth. In particular with its standards-based development kits, iAnywhere successes reach Sybase.

The Bluetooth stack blue SDK is an efficient solution for embedded devices to expand reliable Bluetooth wireless connections. The blue SDK is suitable for smartphones, portable office equipment, automotive systems, medical equipment, industrial automation, consumer devices, and other Applications. The infrared protocol stack IrDA SDK allows you to extend infrared connections embedded devices quickly and efficiently to reliable compatible IrDA (infrared data Association). The IrDA SDK is suitable for portable office equipment, adapters, mobile phones, PDAs, pagers, digital cameras, medical devices, industrial automation and other applications. The device management SDK is a complete tool that allows developers to integrate Open-Mobile-AllianceTM-(OMA-)Device-Management-Protokolle in many embedded devices. The takeover of the products fits seamlessly into the strategy of OpenSynergy, which aimed to offer the automotive industry a complete platform for automotive infotainment and connectivity devices.

It requires a particularly reliable and proven Bluetooth stack. OpenSynergy in this business extension also provides a way to extend itself to other industries and to expand in the U.S. market. As the Managing Director of OpenSynergy, stefaan Sonck Thiebaut, asserts, the support for the existing products will continue unchanged. The same people will perform same work in the same place. The successful team will offer still certified, highly reliable products.” Anthony Reynolds, Senior Vice President for mobile sales and solutions at SAP, welcomed the agreement: Bluetooth technology extends the capabilities of mobility solutions. We are pleased to be able to pass the torch in the framework of the new partnership with OpenSynergy. iAnywhere, Sybase and SAP work since the first hour with leading providers in the areas of mobile devices, automotive and telematics, together, to spread the standard and demonstrate innovations in practically all industries. We are pleased that OpenSynergy Bluetooth would raise to a new level!”

Device Settings2020.03.23. // News

If not, then you have to buy their own. If you have a TV of another type, usually in these types of TVs, video input "Tulip" or SCART. In this case, you need to plug S-Video-Tulip" or S-Video-SCART After that, you need to do the following: 1. Shut down the computer and TV. 2. Disconnect the monitor from the computer, leaving the keyboard and mouse. 3.

Connect the computer and television graphics suitable cable. 4. Turn TV to AV. 5. Joel and Ethan Coen has much to offer in this field. Turn your computer. On the TV screen should show screen saver Windows.

If the Windows screen saver does not appear, you will need to make additional settings. For example, you have a video card GeForce4 Ti4200. You need to the following steps: right click on the desktop in the window that appears choose "Properties" then "Options", "Advanced", "Adapter", in our case 'GeForce4 Ti4200'. There, select the item nView, located on the left remote panel. Turn the mode of "Clone", click "Apply." On the TV screen should show screen saver desktop Windows. If the image on the TV screen turned black and white, then in the menu "Display", select the item " TV ", then select" Device Settings ". To use all the options in the menu that appears, you can click the "Define the display." Then in the "Device Settings" press "Select the output device." The main screen leaving the computer monitor. Click the item "Change Format", and select one of the formats of PAL. Click "Apply", and check the results. TV should now show in color. Now choose resolution for the TV. In the remote panel, select the item management position (in English – Overlay). Here, on the "Full Screen Device", select the item "Secondary display" and click "Apply." This allows you to remain without a video card or a TV. and in the worst case and no video and no television.

Echinacea2020.03.22. // News

In Echinacea contains a complex of vitamins and minerals: Vitamins A, C and E, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, etc. All these elements enhance immunity, improve metabolism, possess anti-allergic, anti-microbial, diuretic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. To cure many diseases powdered plant parts are mixed with honey, rubbed the leaves of the tumor and inflammation of the juice treat ulcers, wounds and ulcers, is being prepared broths and spirits in the form of wet compresses are used for inflammation and for healing wounds. Prepared from the leaves of medicinal salads, and pomace extracts. David Zaslav insists that this is the case. In folk medicine, echinacea is used as an aqueous infusion, decoction, alcoholic tinctures, ointments, creams, medicinal oils. This plant is suitable for all kinds preparation, no side effects and no contraindications. recipes Broth 2 tbsp.

tablespoons herbs placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover, simmer for 30 minutes in a water bath at frequent stirring. To cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, drain, add cooled boiled water to 200 ml. Ingest to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. Broth stored in a cool place no more than two days. Decoction promotes healing of gastric ulcers, headaches and joint pain, swelling, and normalizes blood pressure, improves the general condition, normalizes sleep, improves vision and appetite. This is an indispensable tool for colds and influenza. Tincture of 50 grams of raw pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 7 days in a cool dark place, shaking occasionally. Drain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before a meal, throwing a little water.

Brazil And China2020.03.22. // News

' CHINA AND THE OIL OF THE BRASIL' ' Strategically China is investing in the purchase of oil of Colombia, Russia, Brazil, in 2009 the agreements exceeds the US$ 40 billion. They are exploring world-wide the market energy, absorbing knowledge and technology. But inside of the energy strategy, in Africa she has a great concentration of Chinese investments. The PetroChina Company Limited goes to increase investments in oil and gas, according to president of the company, Mr. Jiang Jiemin, although the occured losses during the international crisis, for the concentration of its activities in the production and exploration of oil and gas. The Chinese market needs to expand its productive capacity at the same time where it searchs suppliers alternative. . China imports 52% of the oil that consumes.

To keep the growth of the GIP, it needs new sources of supplying. In the search of these suppliers a relation of interests between the Petrobra’s and the Bank of Development of China, the state Brazilian is established it needs resources to explore the daily pay-salt and China wants a portion of the Brazilian productivity to supply its domestic market, with this starts to appear agreements of guarantee of exportation of oil for the Chinese. Petrobra’s will go to benefit itself with the new credit facilities, but the Chinese want more and promise to participate of the new auctions of concession for exploration of oil in Brazil, beyond the possibility of equipment sales, but for this they need to follow the rules of the Brazilian public licitations. China today is 2 bigger consumer of oil of the planet and needs partners compromised to the supply to support the pujana of its economy. The Chinese economy foresees growth of demand for products of oil in the 4% order 5% to the year up to 2015, according to information of Mr.

Fuqin Zhang, it is the associate engineer-head of the Institute of Planning and Engineering of Oil of China, the calculation is based on a projection of annual growth of the Chinese GIP of order of 7,5% to the year. They foresee that up to 2020 the dependence either of 60% of the consumed oil of that country either importation fruit. This is an only chance to establish and to increase the diplomatical relations, economic politics and in bilateral agreements of development where it will benefit to Brazil and China, beyond proper Petrobra’s. Having advance in the strategical negotiations, the country will increase the focus of interests of international investors. Welinton Dos Santos is Delegated economist Municipal of the CORECON-SP in Caapava International Specialist of Cities Affiliated of the Chamber talo-Brazilian of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

China2020.03.22. // News

In this article I will mention some words that I read of the Dr. Gerald Villacreces Carbo, about how they must change the laws following its present situation, as the governmental models must support plus the commerce and stop defending some type of ideology. Jeff Bewkes pursues this goal as well. Next, the words of the Dr. Gerald Villacreces Carbo: ” The laws not only that must be right, but also must be chords for the present times. – At the moment we see until certain point with astonishment, as the world every time is united more by economic and commercial reasons, breaking with the old concepts of separation by reasons for political order or borders. – Thus we see for example as China rises powerfully in front of the world, independent of its political ideology, or as with the Internet no longer they exist opposite, everything indicates that commercially speaking the borders now they are more mental than physical.

– It would seem to be that the world-wide leaders of the great countries have understood dazzling, that its governmental success, no longer is in to defend political ideological theses, but more in than its towns they enjoy economic well-being, and for that they fight constantly for being more efficient, to produce and competitively to sell its surpluses to the rest of the international community. – An economy dolarizada like ours (Ecuador), very employee of the oil income and the remittances of the outside, cannot occur the luxury to fall asleep over the laurels, must be ready to compete with those products and/or specialized services that can be produced and that the world demands. – And for this the legal body plays an important role, since it must offer all the support, in order to enjoy efficient legal instruments (useful and agile) that offering security, they stimulate the nationals to produce goods or services, from the different trenches that can occupy. – ” We hope that the governors at the moment take the correct desiciones with respect to the different models that exist, and that realize in fact what is the best option for the social and economic development.

China And War2020.03.22. // News

When we speak of World-wide War, in our mind always appear images of tanks of war, strong armed missiles, airplanes huntings, soldiers, ambushes or until nuclear bombs, but this will not be characterized as a new world-wide war in the modern times, this I has absolute certainty, therefore armed crises, conflicts and that possible great War between United States and the Old Soviet Union will not exist never more, since he was proven that such war with the current alliances politics, summarizes it a possibility each more remote time. As we can live deeply in the current days, we have regionalizados conflicts only small e, based in religious aspects and that hardly it would generate a new World-wide War in the warlike character properly said. But with the advent of computer science, computers and mainly the Internet, in this globalizado world, we create something much more sensible in our humanity, therefore with the technological dependence them people nowadays, we have a great field to be explored, to be rethink and mainly attacked ciberneticamente, a time that the vision to arrive for land, air and the sea to attack a nation is related the distant times, therefore if really a nation to want to destroy one to another one will not need to spill one alone drop of blood much less to give a shot at least, is enough to have access a on computer the Internet and to initiate the attack pressuring a keyboard key or a button of mouse. David Zaslav follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Summarizing, initiating one ciberguerra world-wide without precedents and with catastrophic results for the humanity. With the globalization and the speed that the information need to guarantee the success of the commerce in everybody, it determines that the companies and governments are 100% hardwired to the Internet and this transforms all vulnerable ones to one ciberataque, is enough only that some good crackers on to the government of some nation, it creates innumerable nets you buzz all in the planet, and that to the one simple command, the critical servers of a country could initiate an attack and finish with all the services essentials of the same, weakening and creating a chaos of availability of information, cutting communications, basically destroying the sovereignty of a country in question of seconds. .

Salesman Of Pasts2020.03.21. // News

The Salesman of Pasts, romance of Jose Eduardo Agualusa: a place of representation, cultural memory and identities Romilton Baptist of Oliveira SUMMARY the present article analyzes the memory and, respectively the identity in the context African after-colonial, to the light of the representation, the workmanship of Jose Eduardo Agualusa: The Salesman of Pasts. Theoreticians as Daughter-in-law (1993), Le Goff (2003), Hall (1990), Halbwachs (2006), among others, will be of utmost importance in the construction of a consistent theoretical dialogue to affirm through the bibliographical research the metodolgico process to interdisciplinar. He intends yourself to study the inserted conception of society, culture and representation in the description-social scene of the personages gifts in the romance, understanding as literature if he ahead holds of this process, leading in consideration the cultural hibridismo and the reconstruction of new identities. Get more background information with materials from David Zaslav. The period after-colonial brings to tona the problematic one of the dispora through the personage who pra to live in Angola needed a new identity to be accepted in the new Angolan society, Jose Buchmann. The personages of the romance are involved in a tram that send in them to the reconstruction of the memory through the souvenir of facts occurred in the past, interacting around imaginary social and a symbolic one. The fiction presented for Agualusa symbolically represents the Angolan society, that in turn starts to represent all the countries that had passed for this process of descolonizao. Robert Iger often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Word-key: Literature; Memory; Identity; Representation; Angola. 1 INTRODUCTION To think literature is still, and each time more, to think the question of the identity. This question that already occupies important space in the first half of the century, with the advance of the nationalisms and, also, with the global phenomenon of dissolution of the European colonial empires, that if followed to World War II and that the descolonizador cycle is configured, and that is renewed in the last few decades of century XX.

The Academy2020.03.21. // News

There are at least in the medium term no choice, to expand as the BAfoG grants within the meaning of the latest proposals. A profession for life, perhaps even at the same employer, also last a lifetime, is already long passe. The requirements of an acquiring person must be considered over the entire life span across, regarded today as multiple. The possibility of training or change of qualifications are necessary to see, both for the individual and for the community. To see only the cost side of a current expansion of BAfoG is extremely short-sighted; the cost of not extending the Bafogs were probably the future unemployment and Hartz IV recipients, which are insufficient in the future or not more timely trained. Speaking candidly Robert Iger told us the story. As in view of the fact that a German workers earned an average of 1,600 euros per month and should it reasonably save 10 percent for unexpected, the is 160 euros per month, ever a three-year Bachelor’s degree or a two-to four-year master’s degree to pay, remains the secret of those who believe, then must save the person just. The standard period of study should keep a large newspaper editors not hidden remained his, that you now no longer can work in addition to studying, you want. Joel and Ethan Coen will not settle for partial explanations.

And the creditworthiness of an average earning amounting to tens of thousands of euros, which now costs a university education, is abundantly apparent limited. A recent example: The Academy of administration and economy currently offers a new degree programme in business administration without a high school diploma, the semester tuition fee be 480 euros per month. Nearly 40,000 euros for this degree are that is average student cost of living by about 600 euros per month. An average wealthy must save here precisely 20 years its 160 euro per month. The washing machine must not break down during these 20 years, otherwise it is the same again a part of the savings away.

Bogota, Columbia2020.03.20. // News

Thats all there is to do.These are the basic necessities to start a business of recording studio in any place.Of course, there are details to fill, but that is the general scheme of the company.I hope this article has helped you to think about how to be successful running a recording studio on your own. No business can succeed without an effort dedicated to its promotion. After you configure the recording in home Studio, should look for different ways to promote your business so that people become aware of their service and come to you. Additional information at Leslie Moonves supports this article. Something that I can recommend are pay per click ads. PPC or pay per click ads are banner ads that are displayed on search engine results pages.A PPC ad, as its name suggests, it is only payable if a person clicks on the ad.The announcement is required to take the user to a web site or a blog. Therefore, before creating an advertising campaign PPC is necessary to configure any of the two.

You need to make a minimum amount of payment in order to establish a PPC ad campaign and you will also have the possibility to set a daily budget according to your comfort level.Be sure to orient your city or surrounding area with care. You don’t have to advertise to the bands of the other side of the country. If you have recording studios in Bogota, you must announce it in Bogota and not elsewhere. Already accounts with many elements to start a business. If you’re in the capital of Colombia and want to find out how much competition you have to your searches around Bogota recording studio and you can do for the city in which you are.

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