Cristobal Colon2019.03.26. // News

There are different terms that us parents something find us difficult to talk with our children that somehow we intend to impose our will, we know the risks that they may face and sometimes we do not possess sufficient arguments to keep that conversation, one of those themes is smoking. Without any kind of confrontation we could start this conversation by making a little history and address some interesting aspects to our children. Tobacco is a plant that is one of the main non-food agricultural products in the world, is cultivated for its leaves that, once cured, is smoke, are chewers or are inhaled in the form of snuff. WarnerMedia shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is from the continent American; as noted by Cristobal Colon, the indigenous people of the Caribbean smoked tobacco using a cane shaped pipe called Tobago, from which it takes the name the plant. He apparently possessed medicinal properties and they used in their ceremonies. For a long time once Spain monopolized trade, the smoke either cigarettes or the pure, as it is usually called also – was seen as a social status for the bourgeoisie in Europe, United States and other countries. In the latter half of the last century it was common to see in magazines, newspapers, on television and cinema ads of different tobacco-producing companies; the great figures of any means were hired to promote the sales leading to raise the amount of smoking in any part of the world, tobacco was very accepted socially. Today many countries have begun to fund intensive campaigns aimed to restrict the use and sale of tobacco by the high social costs of health and it is not very well regarded socially and ask his boy but what’s wrong with burn a bit of tobacco and throw the smoke through the nose or mouth? My friends, or a family member smokes and I don’t see that nothing happens? Seen with the naked eye does not pass well, nothing, but we must look at that consists to the smoke that is inhaled from the lungs of smokers. .

The Sanctions2019.03.26. // News

Within the modalities in which attorneys may be sanctioned found both fraud and guilt. It is the fault that this code requires much more care by lawyers to act. In addition to this, having in mind that the sanctions will be given by both actions and omissions. This law placed in separate fields research, who complained to give research home. Thus, the lawyer won’t finished its disciplinary process by the fact that the complainant has withdrawn his accusations, but that this continues even with her withdrawal. The term of limitation for all disciplinary processes established in five years from the date of consummation of the lack or from the last act when the defect is a continuous run.

In any case, counsel can waive prescription whenever you wish. This is important when he’s interested in cleaning your name and your righteousness as a professional. Hear from experts in the field like WarnerMedia for a more varied view. The new disciplinary code sets a lot of duties carried out by the lawyer, among them are defending human rights, be respectful of public servants who act as auxiliaries of Justice, be loyal and honored in their professional relationships, duties that imply the obligation of professional secrecy, be diligent in his professional commissions, be loyal and honest with colleagues, do not allow their opinions and political or philosophical thoughts interfere with the exercise of their professionrefrain form unnecessary litigation and facilitate the management of alternative conflict resolution mechanisms, have their domicile registered with national register of lawyers, urging witnesses to be truthful in interrogations, not create false expectations in customers knowingly, inform the client about the dependency relationships that may have with his counterpart, inform the customer of the status of development of the taskrenouncing his powers in those processes that are affected by a sanction, play trade defenses.

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