Highquality Chinese Porcelain2017.10.25. // News

Porcelain tiles – is the newest material in construction activity, created a ceramic production. Slabs of granite, China produces a mixture of two clays with the addition of quartz and natural coloring materials. As Other pottery, Chinese porcelain plate, obtained by heat treatment at high temperatures. Production of porcelain in China is unique in that today the opportunity to create a similar material of natural stone, with less. Precisely because of its availability today porcelain from China dominates in the Russian market, and in many other countries. Wide range of porcelain, China allows its use today in various fields of construction and often finishing work of any type: laying in the kitchen, laying tile floor, mosaic art and so on. High Quality porcelain from China today is not inferior even to many European competitors, it is worth it cheaper, that's why he is so widely applicable in modern construction, where all the chasing practicality, so Today more and more often he preferred. To finish porcelain from China, in a residential area and the facade of the house is simply irreplaceable, it is also now often used to finish a set of public buildings, because it is profitable and not expensive, and very durable. To date, Chinese porcelain produced by the European standard of quality that has made this a great hard stone so respected in the modern market building materials. Creating beautiful contemporary interiors and durable porcelain from China will become your best helper in achieving the desired result.

Japan2017.10.19. // News

The value of the martial band for a participant is something special and very particular, the convivncia with the colleagues in day-by-day the assays provides educating to a sensation of satisfaction and inclusion to them, whose felt it is of if feeling valued as citizen and citizen of this context. In this direction, each component creates a familiar link joining the people to each moment, because of the sound of the instruments with its vibrant strokes. They say that the sound of a great drum if is similar to the stroke of the heart of mother, felt ear and in the interior of the maternal womb. Old, in Japan, the drum was considered symbol of the agricultural community. They said that the limit of the village was definitive not only geographically, but also for in the distance where the stroke of the drum was audible.

Thus the instrumentista of martial band if feels when hearing the strokes of the tambores of the band. The martial band has something magical, something aproximador, makes the person ' ' To be humana' ' , because the harmonious context of the feeling works making it to be more social. To touch in martial band means to work the personality and the material frequency of the spirit, as well as, to work the frequency of the sound of each instrument. These frequencies provide to the instrumentista if to free of the tensions of day-by-day, giving to the instrumentista biggest condition of security stop for in practical its creativity, its capacity to act in the diverse areas of the social environment. Over all the school has the paper to form, to guide and to work in the formation of the pupil inside of a perspective to ripen, to grow and after that to construct citizens, with a world vision helps that them to each time more to improve its artistic aptitudes.

China And Brazil: Interdependence2017.10.06. // News

CHINA AND BRAZIL: TO BE ABLE AND DEPENDENCE Ivan Santiago Hisses * the People’s Republic of China is the great colossus of century XXI in function of its gigantic economy, the population of more than a billion of inhabitants and of the strong international presence, mainly in recent years. One is about a great world-wide economic center, however it presents some dependences. As economic power that more than grows 10% to the year more than the 30 years, China is the second a bigger economy of the world for the PIB/PPC (Gross domestic product/For Being able of Purchase) and alone it loses the world-wide leadership for the United States of America. Being thus, some projections indicate China as the biggest planetary economy in the next years. This Asian country, that keeps a dictatorship dirty joust and in the politics, also presents distortions in the economy, being the most serious of the present time question of the one of the Chinese exchange. Of certain form, when it agrees to it, the said Chinese dictatorship to the orders in the economy, that cause impacts in world all in function of its size. The Chinese exchange question is simple: the Yuan (Chinese currency) is devaluated front to the American dollar and makes with that the Chinese products arrive cheaper in other countries (markets) and desestabilize the competition in these.

With this question of the exchange, a simple radio or microcomputer arrives more cheap in U.S.A. of what the Americans obtain to produce. With this measure ' ' ditatorial' ' China reached, as given of the Leaf on line in 14/04/2011 the 3 trillions of dollar in exchange reserves. So that the Chinese obtained to create this saving (Brazil approximately closed 2010 with 290 billion dollar that is less than 10% of the Chinese value), the Chinese international competition was disloyal, as the dictatorship it is with the opponents and the human rights.

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